Nothing says summer like fresh from the market veggies! On the menu this time, we have fresh asparagus, mushrooms, bell peppers and corn! Perfect for capturing a smokey, charcoal grill taste and complementing our hamburgers. Everything turned out delicious and was a great ending to a hot and sunny summer day. 
Tin baking pans were the key to keeping all the veggies together while on the grill. A little olive oil and some key spices enhanced the flavor of this mixture!
And once the day was finally over, Jacque couldn't wait to crash for the night...
Wednesday night Corey and one of his friends decided to hold an impromptu photo shoot for their cars, and I was the tag along. It was a great chance to try out my polarizing filter with the late afternoon sun and dark clouds overhead. I'm pretty happy with the results and all in all I think there were some great shots captured! 

Happy viewing!! For additional photos, check out Gallery 4.
This shot of the BWM turned out pretty awesome with the natural back-lighting I had to work with, and it almost has an HDR look and feel about it.
I was also able to finally catch some images of Corey out with his camera, and a quick self portrait to add to the collection.


    After years of working with a 35mm Minolta, my Nikon DSLR has become an addiction! This website highlights some of my favorite moments and photos over the years. 
        - Jen 


    "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
        - Robert Frost


    September 2012
    August 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012
    February 2012
    January 2012